Hi @mniggemann, thanks for bringing this up. I hadn’t been aware of the dnt param but it definitely makes sense to support it, just like I’m supporting the equivalent privacy-friendly Youtube URLs. I’m hoping to get to it on the weekend.
Hi Kevin, oh that’s super nice, looking forward to it!
Have a good weekend,
@mniggemann Hi, I just looked at my test site and it should already be the case that the dnt query param doesn’t get stripped from the embed URL. Can you provide me the exact embed URL that you’re using so that I can try and reproduce the issue myself?
Hi Kevin,
Here’s a demo page https://filmwerkstatt-muenster.de/test-vimeo/
Thanx for having a look!
Thanks for the details! I just published a new version of the plugin, v2.17.0, where I add “dnt=1” to all Vimeo videos to minimize tracking by default. Make sure to do a “hard refresh” of your browser window (clear cache) to load the latest JavaScript code after updating the plugin. This should resolve your dnt issue. Please let me know if your issue is resolved.
There’s a new option in the admin panel to opt out of this feature and enable tracking, in case that’s desired.
Note that I’m aware of a different issue affecting videos that are unlisted/private (as indicated by the “h” query param: “h=aeae30e4fb“). My plugin doesn’t seem to handle those and I’ll need to look into this separately.
Hi @mniggemann, I just published v2.18.0 with support for the h query param. I hope that helps. Cheers!
Hi @kevinweber, that’s great, thanx a lot!!