• Buongiorno a tutti e grazie.

    Usando il tema “Twenty …”, da neofita, nel mio computer guardando le visualizzazioni in anteprima per pc, tablet o mobile vedo l’impaginazione perfetta, mentre se guardo nel mio (vecchio) iphone o nel nuovo Android phone di mio figlio vedo tutte le finestre ed i pulsanti sfalsate ed i testi illeggibili (con a capi sillabati ad una parola per riga).

    Ho da poco provato a cambiare l’home page usando dei predefiniti (dello stesso tema) diversi, ma poi nei dispositivi mobili il risultato è addirittura peggiorato.

    Vorrei mantenere lo stesso tema, ma il risultato nei mobili è orrendo, come posso risolvere?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator Kathryn Presner


    Hi there, I used a translation tool to understand your question since I don’t read Italian. 🙂


    Good morning everyone and thank you.

    Using the “Twenty …” theme, as a neophyte, on my computer looking at the preview views for pc, tablet or mobile I see the perfect layout, while if I look on my (old) iphone or my son’s new Android phone I see all windows and buttons staggered and illegible text (with a new line hyphenated one word per line).

    I recently tried to change the home page using different presets (of the same theme), but then on mobile devices the result got even worse.

    I would like to keep the same theme, but the result in the furniture is horrendous, how can I fix it?

    This is just a guess, but some browsers, especially older ones, do not support the flexblock gap property used in some WordPress blocks. You can see that here:


    I’d suggest starting by checking that chart to see whether the affected browsers are ones where you’re seeing the issue occurring on your end.

    Also, please note that this is not something specific to a certain theme.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Kathryn Presner. Reason: fixed typo
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