• Hi,

    I am using a child theme with a twenty thirteen parent.

    I have made quite a few changes to the sizing and layout – the site is now 1024 wide with 1000px images – the menu is also set to be 1024wide

    On a desktop everything is looking great – on an iPad however the menu is breaking over two lines and the content seems to be “zoomed in” – there are no margins around the 1000px wide images for example and the menu icons look oversized and blocky.

    I thought the media queries in the parent twenty thirteen stylesheet might be causing the re-sizing but I tested this by ripping out the media queries section out of the parent .css file (i have not included it in my child theme) but the problem persists.

    Can anyone help me ensure I get the same break points and sizing on an iPad as I do on a 1024px wide desktop computer.

    Thank you in advance, site link here:



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