• In an excerpt defined by the following:

    [catlist conditional_title="2016 July" conditional_title_tag="h2" id=-6,-7,-8 year=2016 monthnum=7 excerpt="yes" excerpt_size=30 date=""]

    the excerpt does not display any text within brackets. Such brackets would in academic and other writing denote an editor’s insertion of explanatory material within a quote, as in, “The sinking of the [U.S.S. Nathanial] Meriweather….”

    To get the bracketed text to display, I have found a <span> usage that adds to style.css the following definition:

    `span.bracket:before {
    content: ‘[‘
    span.bracket:after {
    content: ‘]’
    } `

    and then replaces the brackets in text with

    <span class="bracket">text</span>

    The post then displays the text and the brackets, and the excerpt displays the text but NOT the brackets.

    Is there another element I can add to the [catist] call to print brackets, some additional workaround via the <span> definition, or something else? Your plugin is such a wonderful tool I am loathe to even attempt to replace it./sj


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