Dear darkhorseweb.
In the “Animation Slider” type, by hovering the mouse in the slider, the slideshow does not work.
Thank You.
What I am asking is I want the slideshow to continue, even if someone has the mouse cursor over the slide show. I do not see a setting in options for slideshow animation 2 to change that option.
I see I have to pick a different animation slider type option.
too bad that option is not available on all slide types.
Dear darkhorseweb.
Follow the instruction, please.
Find the widget.php file in the plugin. Remove this code
jQuery (“.cd-slider-wrapper <? php echo $ Rich_Web_Slider;?>”) .mouseout (function () {
Interval <? Php echo $ Rich_Web_Slider;?> = SetInterval (function () {
next <? php echo $ Rich_Web_Slider;?> ();
}, (Rich_Web_AnSL_SShChT <? Php echo $ Rich_Web_Slider;?> / 10) * CountShort <? Php echo $ Rich_Web_Slider;?> * 2)
}). mouseover (function () {clearInterval (Interval <? php echo $ Rich_Web_Slider;?>);})
Thank you.