• Resolved mickeymouseathletics


    Hey what’s up, I use SportsPress pro on my website with the tournament extension.

    I want to be able to display three different tables for a 12-team league across a three-year span (2015, 2016, 2017).
    (1) All-time Regular Season team records
    (2) All-time postseason (aka tournament) team records
    (3) All-time team records; basically an accumulation of #1 and #2.

    #1 works as intended showing the W-L throughout those three years; but for #2 when selecting to only show results from tournaments (actually a single-elimination playoff bracket) from those three years, nothing changes; and #3 looks exactly like #1.

    So how do I make a league table that shows ONLY wins and losses during those specific postseason/tournaments?

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