Hi there
If you can provide us with the full image URL we will purge it from our cache so it can pick up the new image instead.
If you want it to remain private, you can also contact us via this contact form. If you choose to reach out directly, please include a link to this thread.
Hello @maxence1502
We purged the links as requested.
The cache is cleared daily, so when you remove the original files, after some hours the system will clear the caches automatically.
Let me know if you have any questions.
My best regards,
Michelle C.
However I modified this image several days ago and there was no change.
The problem is still there, you can compare the cached image:
And the image with the direct link :
The flags on the top right are displayed on the cached image and have been removed on the direct image
Anonymous User 18700194
Hi @maxence1502 –
I am not seeing flags on either image as shown in this screenshot:
If you are still having issues, you may need to refresh your browser’s cache.
I have tried with all the browsers on my computer and I have the same problem even though I never use these browsers.
I have even tried on my phone in 4G (although I never go to my site with my phone) and the image is still cached: https://prnt.sc/1qh2rns
Maybe you only deleted the cache for one region and the server that displays my image at home still has the old version? It’s strange
Hi there,
I nuked all sizes for the image, and the issue should be resolved now. Could you please check again and let us know? Now the image has no flag here.
Yes, great, it works now !
Do I have the possibility to clear this cache myself as well? To avoid contacting you every time, this kind of problem happens to me often.
I’m afraid currently we have no option for users to do this from their side but feel free to contact us any time if you get the same issue again.
Apart from this, you can also create a feature request here:
Our dedicated team will take a look at that and get back to you with questions or feedback if needed.
Hope that helps!