You have to set the “defaultView” as well.
So for example you can place this in the “FullCalendar JSON config” text area of the widget:
"header": {
"left": "",
"center": "title",
"right": "today prev,next"
"defaultView": "listWeek"
Or if you still want the user to be able to switch between different views you can do:
"header": {
"left": "dayGridMonth,timeGridWeek,listWeek",
"center": "title",
"right": "today prev,next"
"defaultView": "listWeek"
See the FullCalendar website for all available properties you can use.
Best wishes,
I thought it must be something along these lines…
But you have to be sure where to put all these commas and inverted commas.
Thanks for helping so fast, will try it soon.
Best wishes,
Hi Michiel,
this did it!
Thanks a lot and best wishes,