try to add _wpas_done_all,_wpas_done_,_wpas_mess
to the “Do not copy these fields” setting in the options page, it should fix the problem.
to the end of the html view of the page? sorry – not very technical?
No, you must go in the administration section of WordPress, then under “Settings” you’ll find “Duplicate Post”.
There you’ll find a textbox labelled “Do not copy these fields”: copy the following line and past it there:
then click on the “Save” button
Hi again,
I think I have found the text box you mean. I went to plugins, found “duplicate post” and clicked edit and a box of html comes up…. Please confirm if this is the right place and if so I paste the code to the top or bottom of the box? If not please give me the path to take me to where you are talking about? Thank you again for your help 🙂 Look forward to hearing back from you.
No! Don’t touch it!
You must go under Settings, not Plugins.

worry not I haven’t entered anything in the box I said about until I heard back from you. Please can you give me the full path on how to get to the box you’re talking about…settings and then? Also when I get there do I add the code to the top or bottom of the box? and do I return first or just put it right at the top/bottom next to the other code. Look forward to hearing back from you 🙂
“Settings” then “Duplicate Post” (you can see it in the last row of the image).
Then you will not find a box like you saw, but a series of checkboxes and textboxes (just one line of text).
So find the one labelled “Do not copy these fields”, it will be empty, paste the line _wpas_done_all,_wpas_done_,_wpas_mess
ok not sure how to send a screenshot via this but still stuck. Please can you email me at jamjargill@gmail.com so that I can send you what I can see…
You must see what you can see in this image. Look at the part I’ve surrounded by a red line, it’s the relevant line.

Hurray! I found it and it worked! 😀 you just made my week. Hope you have a fab weekend!