• My site is http://thesoltys.com

    I’d like to allow all users to make new posts to the page and am having trouble using the bookmarklet on my home page without leaving the site. What I’d like to do is use the link so people can make posts without accessing the admin tools. You can see that I have a link in the side bar currently, but it opens in the same window. When you are donw making your post, you don’t return, rather it just closes the window. I’d like people to either return or have it open in a daughter window. Make sense?

    Any help is appreciated.

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  • I think I understand what you mean. To make that link open the admin page in a new (son *smile*, not child) window, you will need to add the target attribute to the link. If you cannot edit that link from the WordPress dashboard, descend onto your template under the themes directory. I think it is called menu.php. Make that link, e.g.

    <a href="wp-login.php" target="new">Make a Post</a>

    As I glance again, the link that you want is probably:


    Just ensure it has a different target window.

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