Sorry for not providing solution. The fix is easy. Set a default timezone, in my case “Europe/Copenhagen” in php.ini
Hope it works for you
Thanks @heyrobot. I’ve already got that set so I must have another issue.
Posting in case this helps anyone.
I’m on OSX Sierra. Running “php -i | grep php.ini” showed the path of my php.ini file to be different than the path that is shown with phpinfo().
I had date.timezone set in the first .ini file. Setting it in the path that is shown with phpinfo() fixed the issue.
@randyjensen , I’m having the exact same issue. I’m a bit of a newbie with this, how would I go about doing your fix? The php.ini has a time zone in there.
Hey @japantics,
@heyrobot is correct. It’s definitely missing the timezone somewhere. My best advice is to create a file with phpinfo() in it (instructions:
Then search for where that file says the php.ini file is located. In my case, grepping the location showed me a different path than phpinfo. Updating it in that file solved the issue. Make sure to restart apache after you change it.
Thanks for the quick reply! That did it, I just made the Php.ini file recursive using the following guide:
Works now, that’s great! Thanks!