• Hi,

    I’ve been experiencing this error:

    PHP message: WordPress database error Unknown column ‘sa.ad_swf_fallback’ in ‘field list’ for query
    @pid := sp.id AS pid,
    0 AS aid,
    sp.patch_source AS code_mode,
    @code_before := sp.code_before AS code_before,
    @code_after := sp.code_after AS code_after,
    @ad_size := IF(sp.place_size = “custom”, CONCAT(CAST(sp.place_custom_width AS CHAR), “x”, CAST(sp.place_custom_height AS CHAR)), sp.place_size) AS ad_size,
    sp.patch_code AS ad_code,
    sp.patch_img AS ad_img,
    “” AS ad_alt,
    0 AS ad_no,
    sp.patch_link AS ad_target,
    0 AS ad_swf,
    “” AS ad_swf_flashvars,
    “” AS ad_swf_params,
    “” AS ad_swf_attributes,
    “” AS ad_swf_fallback,
    sp.patch_adserver AS ad_adserver,
    sp.patch_dfp AS ad_dfp,
    0 AS count_clicks,
    0 AS code_type,
    IF((sp.patch_source = 1 AND sp.patch_adserver) OR sp.patch_source = 2, -1, 1) AS ad_cycle,
    @aca := IFNULL((SELECT AVG(sa.ad_weight_hits*10/(sa.ad_weight*1000)) FROM wp_9_sam_ads sa WHERE sa.pid = @pid AND sa.trash IS NOT TRUE AND (IF(sa.ad_user…
    PHP message: WordPress database error Unknown column ‘sa.ad_swf_fallback’ in ‘field list’ for query

    Any idea how I can fix this? Or is anyone having the same error. You can only see the error inside logs though.



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