• RenegadeLatino.com/wordpress

    This is my personal site. I write about the Latino community, the internet and random things.

    I made the whole thing so if you see any errors please tell me and I will get in there and fix it. If you like it, please say that too so I can feel good. Muchas gracias.

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  • Well, feel good. It’s really nice. I didn’t see any bugs in my short visit. 🙂

    Bloody good. Well done.

    It’s a little “sticky” when one first hovers over the buttons – sometimes they disappear rather than going blue. Maybe that’s just me, though.

    Very nice, as mentioned above though, images are failing to load and are disappearing on hover using IE7.

    Thread Starter renegadelatino


    Indeed there seem to be quite a few issues with IE. I knew of IE6 problems, but I thought it was working well in IE7. Thank you for the reviews, I’ll be looking into the problems.

    Happens in Firefox too.

    Thread Starter renegadelatino


    Really? What happens in firefox? I was unaware there were any problems. The images themselves are rather big so when you hover over them that is when it begins to download so that’ll cause the pause but does it always fail to load?

    Before images are loaded it blanks in FF…then when cached is cool.
    But U got to fix the ugly effect in IE6. PNG transparency i think. Read more : http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/alpha.html

    Thread Starter renegadelatino


    About the issue with IE6 I am not going to fix it because I want people to upgrade to at least IE7, if not Firefox or Opera or something.

    So I think I may put something on there to say that it doesn’t look right because of their browser and to fix that they can upgrade. Not to be rude but I’d rather try to create a demand for standards browsers than to continue fixing for IE. If this were some large corporate site or something for a client then I would try to make it compatible with as many browsers as possible but since it’s just my personal site I’ll stick with just standards compliance (which I think is complete?…)

    Thanks for the comment though alainS.

    Nice site, the only think i could suggest is preloading, or using a css trick to make the roll overs go much more smooth.

    it’s beautiful!

    I know that you’re upset by IE 6 users. I’ll make an example. Let’s say that you run a online shop. 30% of users are on IE6. To those you say: I don’t wanna sell to you and yes my site is ugly with your browser. Goodbye.

    It’s my point of view and believe me that after 10 years in webdesign I am considering everything that is more than 3% in stats. It makes clients and me happy because they can sell and my mission is acomplished: Make a site accesible to most of users. Because I am paid for this and I owe to clients consistency between different browsers and OS. I’ll call it profesionalism.

    It is up to you.

    Thread Starter renegadelatino


    jnewing: thanks, ill look into it.

    faustina: thanks, i appreciate it.

    alainS: I guess I didn’t make myself clear. I couldn’t agree with you more. If I was running an online shop then of course I’d wanna reach the largest possible audience and then I would cater to IE6. Clients deserve the broadest audience too and I think a professional web designer should design for all browsers. It’s just that as long as someone with IE6 sees all sites working on their browser there will be no need to change. So on my personal site I’ll bite the bullet, make it not work in IE and try and create that demand, as small as it might be.

    If I was paying myself for this I would feel I would owe myself consistency between different browsers. But since I’m getting it for free from myself then I can’t demand much. 🙂

    I do consider myself professional none the less.

    Very nice looking theme.

    I wondered what plugin u used at the bottom.
    “journal posts”

    Maybe it would be at better use at the top…


    Thread Starter renegadelatino


    Thank you. At the bottom I don’t use a plugin for the journal posts list. I simply query 10 posts and display a link to each inside an li.Like so:

    <ul class="lists">
    <?php query_posts('showposts=10'); if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    <_li><_a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"><span class="date"><?php the_time('m.j') ?></span> <?php the_title() ?> <_/a><_/li>
    <?php endwhile; endif; ?>

    ***Note: the a and li tags shouldn’t have an underscore. Couldn’t figure out how to format it correctly so it would show up, sorry.

    I originally had it at the top, but I thought it would be easier at the bottom since users wouldn’t have to click to see it (the “more navigation” link) but instead scroll down.

    I’ve misunderstood you because I’m not a native-English speaker. But believe me on this one. If someone comes with IE6 on your site it will not think :”Oh god this site is ugly because I’m using IE6 or smthin.” He’ll just see an ugly page and simply leave it. It’s a fact. Because a tech-savy user is already using IE7 or FF or Opera etc.

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