• Resolved alexrogahn


    hen i rollover my post title links in the index or comment page the link cuts of after a certain letter and it only happens on my “wanna be my friend?” post. This happened to my navbar all of a sudden yesterday but i managed to fix it. I don’t know how to fix this one though I’ve been troubleshooting for over an hour.


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    and my site http://www.alexrogahn.com

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  • Thread Starter alexrogahn


    ok its been 11 hours with no help can someone please help me 🙁

    I can’t find the error you are describing. It helps if you write the question as clearly as possible, sp, grammar, and direct links to what you are referring to. I moused over the link to the “Wanna be my friend” page and it looks fine to me.

    Thread Starter alexrogahn


    ok when you mouse over just after the ‘f’ on friend the link cuts but the text is still there, one thing i noticed to was when I deleted all the css for .post it worked fine the link worked as a whole and didn’t suddenly cut off I think it maybe something cutting the link off, but I don’t know what .

    Thread Starter alexrogahn


    No worrys i fixed it the logo was to high and was covering the link

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