Just found this in the documentation
but it doesn’t work!
What am I doing wrong?
Can anyone please answer this? It seems a lot of people have this problem.
This is the new email logic that was implemented in the UM2.0 release.
In UM1, if you had edited an email template in wp-admin, it was overwritten with every update. In the UM2 release, custom email templates and UM default email templates are stored in different folders.
– Default email notification templates are stored in “.. plugins/ultimate-member/templates/email”.
– Edited/customized email notification templates are stored in “../themes/[theme_name]/ultimate-member/email”.
In UM2 you can reset an email template to default by the deleting the current template from the “../themes/[theme_name]/ultimate-member/email” directory. The UM devs promise to make this a wp-admin visual process in a future release.
I hope this helps.
It still doesn’t work.
For example I’ve created a file called ‘changedpw_email.html’, but it still takes the english version of the PHP file.
What am I doing wrong?
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by xenator.
It works with the filname changedpw_email.php and HTML content within that file!
Thanks for the support!
Did you manage to find a list of files names for these e-mails? I’ve created some templates and loaded them however I don’t know what to call them all. There are only a couple in the templates folder.
Check this out:
You will find the email template filenames in the folder “wp-content/plugins/ultimate-member/templates/email/”.
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by evollo.
I uploaded a new template to wp-content/themes/childtheme/ultimate-member/templates/email/checkmail_email.php but it does not change when the e-mails go out.
If I upload the file in to wp-content/themes/childtheme/ultimate-member/email/checkmail_email.php this works. But will overwriting this file cause issues?
I am also unable to call css styling in <head> tags and I need to call custom fonts – does anyone know how this is achieved?
To style my email The only way I found was to do it with inline style like <div style=”font-family:….
Does someone found how to add image/logo to the mail ? Since 2.X image are not working …
Just wanted to confirm @benmcmahon solution seemed to work.
UM documentation seems incorrect: HERE.
They want “templates” folder in the path but doesn’t seem to work:
DOES NOT WORK: /public_html/wp-content/themes/twentyfifteen/ultimate-member/templates/email/MY-EMAIL-TEMPLATE.php
WORKS: /public_html/wp-content/themes/twentyfifteen/ultimate-member/email/MY-EMAIL-TEMPLATE.php
Hope that helps the next guy or gal!
Hi, I have a same problem here. After change my settings, I try to save and the result it’s 404 error.
Thanks a ton for this. Solution works for me and actually I got use to it…
Hello, Iam facing the same problem with emails. I can not change anything or enable/disable them. Can someone give me some help. I have tried changing template reset everything in my site and still nothing. All I got is this error:
You don’t have permission to access /wp-admin/admin.php on this server.
Also I test it in localhost and works fine without issue. What is going on? Please HELP!
I am having the same issue when try to disable the notification emails. Our membership does not require a majority of the notifications and they are sent when we don’t want them to be sent. I deselect the checkbox and Update, which only takes me to a “Page not Found” error message. When returning to the Email page in settings the email remains Enabled. Is is a server setting causing this. Thanks.
Disabling ModSecurity in cPanel (or asking your provider to disable it on the server if it is not present in cPanel) might help…