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  • Hi,

    Do you mean on the front-end of the site on in the admin area?

    Thread Starter Antti Koskinen


    Silly me, of course I forgot to define that.

    I mean on the front-end.

    To do that you’d need to edit the template at /events-manager/templates/templates/event-search.php. You might want to take a look at this tutorial which shows you how to use custom templates in an upgrade safe way:

    Given what you want to do, this might be a better function to use for your category checkboxes:

    Thread Starter Antti Koskinen


    Thanks for the advice! I get that copying template files from A to B. That’s simple enough and I can do that.

    I looked at the events-search.php file and it’s like I’m reading Hebrew – no idea what it means. Could you ellaborate a little bit?

    If you only want to edit the category and location dropdowns, you can just edit the /search/categories.php and /search/locations.php files within the /events-manager/templates/templates/ folder. These two files are pulled into the main search page template mentioned in my earlier reply.

    In the case of categories, you may want to switch from using wp_dropdown_categories to using wp_category_checklist.

    Thread Starter Antti Koskinen



    Unfortunately I don’t have the time (or interest) to try to figure this out myself. I’ll just hire a developer to do it for me.

    Hello Caimin,

    Thanks for the posts.
    I am trying to do the same as Kantti.

    in categories.php, at the line :
    wp_dropdown_categories(array( 'hide_empty' => 0, 'orderby' =>'name', 'name' => 'category', 'hierarchical' => true, 'taxonomy' => EM_TAXONOMY_CATEGORY, 'selected' => $args['category'], 'show_option_none' => $args['categories_label'], 'class'=>'em-events-search-category'));

    I have replaced wp_dropdown_categories with wp_category_checklist

    As a result, the category aspect of the search-event module has disappeared.

    I have tried to take some parameters out of the line like ‘hide_empty’ and other but nothing happend.

    Do you have any suggestion ?

    Thanks !

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