• jjbte


    I’ve searched, but can’t find any solutions related to my specific issue. I know that WordPress allows feeds for categories, etc. (e.g., http://myblog.com/category/feed/). When viewing such a feed, I notice the feed’s title is modified (e.g., Category >> My Blog Title), but not the URL between the feed’s <link> and </link> tags. Regardless of what feed I’m viewing (the main feed, a category feed, or whatever), the link remains the URL of my blog (e.g., http://myblog.com/).

    How can I make the URL that appears between the feed’s <link> and </link> tags point to the category URL if I’m viewing a category feed?

    Is there a good way to do this via WordPress built-in functions and hooks, as opposed to creating custom feed templates? Ultimately, I guess all I really want to do is generate an URL that is identical to the feed’s URL, but with the final “feed/” removed from the end.

    So for the feed at http://myblog.com/category/feed/, I would want the URL between <link> and </link> to be http://myblog.com/category/.

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