• Hi,

    I´m trying to customize the HTML markup of my wpp-list using the following code:

    <?php get_mostpopular("range=weekly&order_by=views&title_length=25&wpp_start='<div id=\"wppfp-post-title\">'&wpp_end=</div>&post_start='<li>'&post_end=</li>&pages=0&stats_comments=0&limit=5"); ?>

    Although I have changed the code and the css from .wpp… to .wppfr when I look at the HTML-Output there is still a:

    <span class="wpp-post-title">...</span>

    Is there any chance to get rid of this span class (to delete it is no option because I am using wpp also as a sidebar-widget at the same page (in a nutshell: All I need are two different wpp-stylings).


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