• Resolved thatcodemonkey


    Hi there,
    Hello Matthias,

    Thanks for the great plugin!
    Is it possible to send a specific feed (/feed/?post_type=news) to the hubs?
    Normal posts get pushed thru, no problem. But if I subscribe to a specific feed url like
    mydomain.com/feed/?post_type=xyz the push seems not to work, or very delayed (maybe also pulled by the reader itself).

    Do I need to add a Topic URL somehow?
    Thanks in advance!

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  • Thread Starter thatcodemonkey


    I noticed that the <atom:link rel="hub" […]> tag is missing in my custom post type feed xml. Maybe that helps narrowing down the problem?

    Thread Starter thatcodemonkey


    Update: After some digging I realized, that the action hook 'publish_post' does not fire, when a custom post type is published. One has to use another hook like 'publish_{{custom_post_type}}' to catch the publishing and kick-on the push to the hub.
    In my case I added
    add_action( 'publish_news', array( 'PubSubHubbub_Plugin', 'publish_post' ) );
    to the init() funtion in pubsubhubbub.php

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