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  • Plugin Author megamenu


    Hi paddel,

    Yes, it is possible. Please see the documentation here:


    Thread Starter paddelboot


    Hi Tom,

    I have managed to get custom page items to display inside the mega menu. But they float freely and align themselves. I cannot seem to have 3 page items in the left column and 1 image widget in the right column. They distribute themselves to 2 items per column automatically. I hope my problem is clear.


    Plugin Author megamenu


    Hi paddelboot,

    If I understand correctly you’ll need to group your 3 items into a single sub menu.

    If your menu structure looks like this:

    — Custom Page 1
    — Custom Page 2
    — Custom Page 3

    You’ll need to change it so it looks like this:

    — Custom Pages
    —- Custom Page 1
    —- Custom Page 2
    —- Custom Page 3

    (then you can have your group of Custom Pages on the left and your image on the right)


    Thread Starter paddelboot


    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for your explanation. Wouldn’t it be a lot easier though to just remove the floating of the items in the mega menu editor? Why do they float in the first place, it gives the end user less control, right?

    Just my point of view.



    Plugin Author megamenu


    Hi Paddelboot,

    It gives less control if you only have one level of items, but more control if you have multiple levels of items.


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