• Resolved roysmyth



    I use a simple custom filter on the list of users. Some of the users in the filtered list have “receive mass emails” set to “no” but they still receive email.

    It says quite clearly on the resulting screen (Send an Email to a Custom Filtered list of Users) “When selecting multiple users, any user who should not receive Mass Email will be filtered from the recipient list”.

    I believe this once worked correctly, but now it doesn’t. Users who have opted out of mass emails are not happy.

    If this can’t be fixed, I guess I’ll have to add my own filter to the WP email function, but I’d rather not. Hope you can help.

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  • Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    Is it possible some of your users belong to more than one group and are being picked up that way? There has not been any changes to the plugin on retrieving email addresses for members of a group.

    What I would suggest is to put Email Users into debug mode and compose your email like you have been. In debug mode Email Users will not actually send the email (unless another plugin changes something ) but instead will dump the email headers and some other information to the Dashboard. Set up some test groups to work with before trying it on your real groups. With your real groups, examine the headers to make sure they contain the addresses you think they should contain.

    Thread Starter roysmyth


    I’m running a *user* custom meta filter, not a group custom meta filter, and I’m using send to users, not send to groups.

    Does the Mass Email setting only apply to group emails? That would contradict what is displayed on the send to users screen.

    Thread Starter roysmyth


    After more testing:

    – send to group is filtered according to the Mass Email setting in User Settings
    – send to users is not filtered.

    Clearly, this is a bug. The Send to Users screen says:

    Recipients: You can select multiple users by pressing the CTRL key. When selecting multiple users, any user who should not receive Mass Email will be filtered from the recipient list.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    I have had a chance to look at this issue this weekend and found the problem you’ve reported. If you’d like to test the fix, I have a beta version posted on my web site.

    Thread Starter roysmyth


    Hi Mike,

    Finally had a chance to test the beta in real use. It seems to have fixed the problem.


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