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Thanks @martynasma
I went through the link before posting here. The examples there were based on a color field existing in the json data that the propertyField can map to.
I don’t have an existing color field in the data and my json data is externally loaded as described here –
Is there an example on how to use the propertyFields
based a specific field name and add a custom color to it?
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Trying out the Adapters config but not getting the exact solution.
Tried out the configs below but none gave the expected outcome. It applied the default color to all the columns in both cases.
series.columns.template.adapter.add("fill", function(fill, target) {
//switch ( {
switch (target.dataItem.category) {
case "Excellent":
return am4core.color("#F9F871");
case "Good":
return am4core.color("#845EC2");
case "Neutral":
return am4core.color("#D65DB1");
case "Bad":
return am4core.color("#D65DB1");
return am4core.color("#FF3D00");
series.columns.template.column.adapter.add("fill", function(fill, target) {
if (target.dataItem) {
if (target.dataItem.category == "Excellent") {
return am4core.color("#F9F871");
} else if (target.dataItem.category == "Good") {
return am4core.color("#845EC2);
} else if (target.dataItem.category == "Neutral") {
return am4core.color("#D65DB1");
} else {
return am4core.color("#000000");
return fill;
series.columns.template.propertyFields.fill = "color"
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Thanks @martynasma
I am aware of this snippet but it is based on having a color field in the json data.
There is no color field in my json data that’s why i asked if another category field can be used as the condition to apply custom colors e.g if the category name is Red then column color will be red.
Most sql tables don’t store color codes as part of the data.
Well then adapter approach you have above is the way to go, except you may be need to refer to the category better, e.g. target.dataItem.categoryX
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Thanks. Its working now. Added the CategoryX