• ResolvedPlugin Author Robert Seyfriedsberger


    On Monday, July 11, 2016, the direct tile access to MapQuest legacy maps was discontinued. After Monday, July 11, 2016, MapQuest requires those using their direct tiles access to sign up for a plan on the Developer Network (FYI: they offers a free plan with 15,000 monthly transactions). See full announcement at http://devblog.mapquest.com/2016/06/15/modernization-of-mapquest-results-in-changes-to-open-tile-access/ for more details.

    This change also affects Leaflet Maps Marker respectively Maps Marker Pro: as a result, maps using “MapQuest (OSM)” or “MapQuest (Aerial)” as basemap are currently broken.

    We are already working on new releases (Leaflet Maps Marker v3.11 respectively Maps Marker Pro v2.8) which allow you to use your MapQuest API key if you want to continue using their basemaps.

    In the meantime, please change the basemap of the affected maps to another tile provider like OpenStreetMap – this can be done via the Tools section for all maps at once for example.

    We hope that the new releases (which will also include support for multiple-geocoding providers and keyless access which will actually be the highlight of the new releases) will by available by end of July & ask for your patience here – a hotfix as we usually provide is not possible in this case, as the MapQuest change is too complex for a hotfix.

    Thanks for your understanding!


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  • Just a short update & apology for the delay: we are still working on the new releases which will be available soon & which took longer than planned, as exciting new features will also be added (support for alternative geocoding providers for example which will work without any additional registration)

    v3.11 has been release which adds support for MapQuest API keys – please update to the latest version if you plan to use MapQuest basemaps.

    @modlook: please make this topic unsticky – issue has been resolved & it seems there is still an issue that I cannot make this post unsticky by myself. thanks a lot!

    Moderator Marius L. J.


    I’ve removed the stick from it for you, but you can do it your self (we’ve tested.

    To do so hover over the initial post in a topic and near the bottom of the post there will be a toolbar line of links that you can use for actions like stickying a topic.

    thanks & sorry – did not know this changed & thought this is still an open issue since forum migration…

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