• Resolved devsc2768


    Hi we are getting the following error when visitors are trying to purchase:

    Error posting Eway request: cURL error 28: Resolving timed out after 10000 milliseconds Order status changed from Pending payment to Failed.

    If the customer then scrolls back to the order/pay button and resubmits then the order is successful. It does not seem to happen if a customer fills out all checkout fields quickly,

    We have tried disabling all security plugins such as ReCapture for Woocommerce and Antispam by Cleantalk however this has not helped. Most issues seem to occur for customers on mobile.

    We have also increased the server timout to 60 seconds.

    Any ideas of what could be causing this. This seemed to start about 2-3 weeks ago.


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  • Plugin Author webaware



    Eway’s status page is showing degraded performance for gateways and the Rapid API.


    Scroll down to the table beginning with ‘Eway Gateways’.


    Thread Starter devsc2768


    Thanks Ross for the quick response.

    This has been happening for the last few weeks. Are you aware of degraded performance over the last few weeks.

    Plugin Author webaware


    They had degradation problems on the 4th, transaction errors on the 14th, and currently still showing degradation. Seems problems ongoing. Check with Eway support for more information, I’m not plugged into what’s going on there operationally.


    Thread Starter devsc2768


    Thanks Ross.

    I appreciate all of your assistance.

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