• Resolved rabit101


    This cooked plugin creating 2 css php files color.php and responsive.php under css folder this can be issue if you minify all your css files and combine them into one file for speed or performance.

    I think you can combine this small css into the function, I have a quick fix for my website checkout below. If you can update this function and remove that 2 dynamic css files from plugin that will be very good for performance

    and imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js also 1 external request if you can serve this file from js folder in plugin…

    // custom files
    function equeue_my_assets() {
    wp_register_script(‘cimagesLoaded’, ‘/assets/js/imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js’, array(‘jquery’), true );

    function my_wp_head() {
    // Cooked Plugin PHP CSS Files
    $_cooked_settings = Cooked_Settings::get();
    $cookedprogress = $_cooked_settings[‘main_color’];
    $cookedrecipesearch = $_cooked_settings[‘main_color’];
    $cookedfsm = $_cooked_settings[‘main_color’];
    $cookedbrowsesearchbutton = $_cooked_settings[‘main_color_hover’];
    $breakpoint1 = esc_html( $_cooked_settings[‘responsive_breakpoint_1’] );
    $breakpoint2 = esc_html( $_cooked_settings[‘responsive_breakpoint_2’] );
    $breakpoint3 = esc_html( $_cooked_settings[‘responsive_breakpoint_3′] );
    echo ”
    <style type=’text/css’>
    .cooked-fsm .cooked-fsm-top,
    .cooked-fsm .cooked-fsm-mobile-nav,
    .cooked-fsm .cooked-fsm-mobile-nav a.cooked-active,
    .cooked-progress span { background: $cookedprogress; }
    .cooked-recipe-search .cooked-taxonomy-selected { background: $cookedrecipesearch; }
    .cooked-fsm a { color: $cookedfsm; }
    .cooked-recipe-search .cooked-taxonomy-selected:hover,
    .cooked-browse-search-button:hover { background: $cookedbrowsesearchbutton; }
    @media screen and ( max-width:”.$breakpoint1.”px ) {

    #cooked-timers-wrap { width:90%; margin:0 -45% 0 0; }

    .cooked-recipe-grid { margin:3% -1.5%; width: 103%; }
    .cooked-recipe-grid.cooked-columns-3 .cooked-recipe,
    .cooked-recipe-grid.cooked-columns-4 .cooked-recipe,
    .cooked-recipe-grid.cooked-columns-5 .cooked-recipe,
    .cooked-recipe-grid.cooked-columns-6 .cooked-recipe { width: 50%; margin: 0 0 3%; padding: 0 1.5%; }


    @media screen and ( max-width: “.$breakpoint2.”px ) {

    .cooked-recipe-grid { margin:5% -2.5%; width:105%; }
    .cooked-recipe-grid.cooked-columns-2 .cooked-recipe,
    .cooked-recipe-grid.cooked-columns-3 .cooked-recipe,
    .cooked-recipe-grid.cooked-columns-4 .cooked-recipe,
    .cooked-recipe-grid.cooked-columns-5 .cooked-recipe,
    .cooked-recipe-grid.cooked-columns-6 .cooked-recipe
    .cooked-recipe-grid .cooked-recipe { width:100%; margin:0 0 5%; padding:0 2.5%; }

    .cooked-recipe-info .cooked-left, .cooked-recipe-info .cooked-right { float:none; display:block; text-align:center; }
    .cooked-recipe-info > section.cooked-right > span, .cooked-recipe-info > section.cooked-left > span { margin:0.5em 1em 1em; }
    .cooked-recipe-info > section.cooked-left > span:last-child, .cooked-recipe-info > span:last-child { margin-right:1em; }
    .cooked-recipe-info > section.cooked-right > span:first-child { margin-left:1em; }

    .cooked-recipe-search .cooked-fields-wrap { padding:0; display:block; }
    .cooked-recipe-search .cooked-fields-wrap > .cooked-browse-search { width:100%; border-right:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.15); margin:2% 0; }
    .cooked-recipe-search .cooked-fields-wrap.cooked-1-search-fields .cooked-browse-select-block { width:100%; left:0; }
    .cooked-recipe-search .cooked-fields-wrap > .cooked-field-wrap-select { display:block; width:100%; }
    .cooked-recipe-search .cooked-sortby-wrap { display:block; position:relative; width:48%; right:auto; top:auto; float:left; margin:0; }
    .cooked-recipe-search .cooked-sortby-wrap > select { position:absolute; width:100%; border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.15); }
    .cooked-recipe-search .cooked-browse-search-button { width:50%; right:auto; position:relative; display:block; float:right; }

    #cooked-timers-wrap { width:20em; right:50%; margin:0 -10em 0 0; transform:translate3d(0,11.2em,0); }
    #cooked-timers-wrap.cooked-multiples { margin:0; right:0; border-radius:10px 0 0 0; width:20em; }
    #cooked-timers-wrap .cooked-timer-block { padding-left:3.25em; }
    #cooked-timers-wrap .cooked-timer-block.cooked-visible { padding-top:1.25em; padding-left:3.25em; }
    #cooked-timers-wrap .cooked-timer-block .cooked-timer-step { font-size:0.9em; }
    #cooked-timers-wrap .cooked-timer-block .cooked-timer-desc { font-size:1.1em; padding:0; }
    #cooked-timers-wrap .cooked-timer-block .cooked-timer-obj { top:auto; right:auto; width:auto; font-size:1.1em; line-height:inherit; }
    #cooked-timers-wrap .cooked-timer-block i.cooked-icon-times { line-height:2.1em; font-size:0.9em; top:1.25em; left:1.5em; }

    body.cooked-fsm-active #cooked-timers-wrap { bottom:4em; }

    .cooked-fsm .cooked-fsm-mobile-nav { display:block; }
    .cooked-fsm .cooked-fsm-ingredients,
    .cooked-fsm .cooked-fsm-directions { width:100%; display:none; left:0; background:#fff; }
    .cooked-fsm .cooked-fsm-ingredients.cooked-active,
    .cooked-fsm .cooked-fsm-directions.cooked-active { display:block; }


    @media screen and ( max-width: “.$breakpoint3.”px ) {

    .cooked-fsm .cooked-fsm-directions p { font-size:1em; }
    .cooked-fsm .cooked-recipe-directions .cooked-heading { font-size:1.25em; }

    #cooked-timers-wrap { width:100%; right:0; margin:0; border-radius:0; }

    .cooked-recipe-search .cooked-fields-wrap > .cooked-browse-search { margin:3% 0; }
    .cooked-recipe-search .cooked-sortby-wrap { width:47%; }


    add_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘my_wp_head’ );

    Please check this also body content not comming only title is returning…

    1. wp-content/plugins/cooked/includes/class.cooked-recipe-meta.php
    Line No: 144

    $recipe_excerpt = ( isset($recipe_excerpt) && $recipe_excerpt ? $recipe_excerpt : get_the_title( $post_id ) );
    $recipe_excerpt = ( isset($recipe_excerpt) && $recipe_excerpt ? $recipe_excerpt : $recipe_settings[‘excerpt’] );

    2. wp-content/plugins/cooked/includes/class.cooked-recipes.php
    Line No: 366

    wp_update_post( array( ‘ID’ => $post_id, ‘post_excerpt’ => $recipe_settings[‘title’], ‘post_content’ => $recipe_settings[‘title’] ) );
    wp_update_post( array( ‘ID’ => $post_id, ‘post_excerpt’ => $recipe_settings[‘excerpt’], ‘post_content’ => $recipe_settings[‘excerpt’] ) );

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  • Plugin Author Boxy Studio


    I personally prefer the CSS to load in a separate file rather than spitting out that much CSS in a style tag at the top of the page, which is why I packed it into a PHP file. However, I can render this PHP as minified CSS so keep things loading nicely. I’ll see what I can do here.

    Thanks for the feedback!

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