Hi @maxser
Thanks for using TaxoPress.
Can you confirm this problem by going back to 3.0.5? You can use a plugin like this to choose an earlier version: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-rollback/
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Thank you for that rollback plugin, I installed again and activated the plugin. The category view is working like a charm again.
See, Category view
Thanks @maxser
It’s odd that this is a CSS bug. TaxoPress normally won’t impact a site’s style at all. I wonder if something else is going on – perhaps a theme issue.
Do you have a test copy of this site where you can try the upgrade again safely?
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I use Extra theme from elegantthemes. I created a staging copy from the website and updated the plugin again and you can see the faulty result here:
and the same category view on the version of the plugin here:
Elegant themes support will tell me that the problem is with the plugin since on disabling the plugin the issue is not there, nor with the previous version of the plugin. I named it CSS not loading but maybe something else is going on.
Thanks so much, @maxser
Is it possible to see inside the test site? Could you email a login to help @ taxopress.com?
@maxser Alternatively, if you have the chance, please test this version to see if it helps: https://app.box.com/s/vpvbzuzmms8yf5b9idl355co0n3h4afe
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I updated the plugin and no change, I´ll email you a login now.
Thanks. We’ve confirmed the fix with @maxser’s help and this will be available with