• Hi, over the weekend I launched my own personal WordPress site with custom theme and I was wonder if people like to provide me with some friendly criticism?


    I know the spelling can be a bit questionable on the site so if you do notice anything obvious then please say so.

    Thank for your time!

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  • Anonymous User 393930


    Not bad at all. Good layout, colour balance, excellent use of CSS3 (with IE fall-back). Like the spacing and layout overall and the font choice. Tidy contact and social networking stuff.

    The footer background is maybe a little stark. The Music and Gaming “blocks” don’t fit in as well as the rest. The jquery effects for the post meta are cool but might get annoying for regular readers (the transition is a bit slow).

    Also at the risk of sounding like a dull old dad: You need a shave and a haircut. LOL. At least your picture seems a little too hirsute maybe, but then it is a personal blog so it’s no biggie – I reckon the one with the rodent whispering in your ear is a better header choice though.

    Copyright in the footer is 2010 I guess you worked on it a bit since?

    I like it a lot. Nice work.

    Thread Starter WolfieZero


    Thanks for the feedback, BC.

    The footer was originally used for a 50/50 split in the site (header & article / comments & footer). I don’t feel it’s too stark as I tried to separate the footer from the main, but I’ll keep that in mind when asking people directly.

    The hair! lol I need to get a better profile shot, I admit. I’ll probably organise that when I get it cut 😉

    good spot on the copyright; I started using the domain in 2010, posted content using a theme I downloaded hence the old date. But I’ve update that now so it shows 2010-2011 (latter being update by PHP).

    Once again, thanks for the awesome feedback BC, it was very helpful 🙂

    Amazing Website.. alot of movement without flash!!!

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