• I wonder whether anyone has implemented within their WP blog a display of rss feeds for a group of like-minded blogs. What I’m trying to do is allow my blog readers to come to my blog to view the rss feeds for a group of blogs dedicated to the theme of my blog.

    I have an example of this that I’ve created at a site called Blogdigger. But this site is very buggy & has hardly ever worked right. So I’d like to explore trying to do this within my WP blog but I’m having trouble visualizing how it might be done.

    It’s important that whatever technical choice I make, that the rss display must be able to accomodate various feeds like atom, rss, etc. I’d also like to display blogs in Hebrew if possible. I have a mambo site which won’t display atom feeds and won’t display Hebrew feeds so I want to get away fr. those limitations.

    Looking forward to hearing anyone’s ideas.

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