• eddieb12180


    So i created the dynamic sidebar inside the header i wanted it to be flush right, which.

    Now what i am trying to do is style it so that it plays nice lol.
    Below is the mar up:

    <div class=”group pad”>

    <?php echo alx_site_title(); ?>
    <?php if ( ot_get_option(‘site-description’) != ‘off’ ): ?><p class=”site-description”><?php bloginfo( ‘description’ ); ?></p><?php endif; ?>

    /* here is the new side bar */
    <div><?php dynamic_sidebar (‘header-ads’); ?></div>

    <?php if (has_nav_menu(‘header’)): ?>
    <nav class=”nav-container group” id=”nav-header”>
    <div class=”nav-toggle”><i class=”fa fa-bars”></i></div>
    <div class=”nav-text”><!– put your mobile menu text here –></div>
    <div class=”nav-wrap container”><?php wp_nav_menu(array(‘theme_location’=>’header’,’menu_class’=>’nav container-inner group’,’container’=>”,’menu_id’ => ”,’fallback_cb’=> false)); ?></div>
    <?php endif; ?>

    Maybe someone can help me with styling the “header-ads” side bar?
    The proper way to put the class in the (child) php file (child) php file.?

    My main concern is sizing of objects that i place in this header side bar

    TY for any help

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