• I am getting a crazy error I cant even begin to decipher. I tried with firefox and chrome.
    when I try to create backup:

    lib/js/ZeroClipboard.swf’ } ); /**workaround for firefox versions 18 and 19. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=829557 https://github.com/jonrohan/ZeroClipboard/issues/73 */ var enableZC = true; var is_firefox18 = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf(‘firefox/18’) > -1; var is_firefox19 = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf(‘firefox/19’) > -1; if (is_firefox18 || is_firefox19) enableZC = false; if ( $( “.restore-backup-options” ).length ) { $( “.restore-backup-options” ).each( function() { var clip = new ZeroClipboard( $( “a.copy-button”,this ) ); /** FF 18/19 users won’t see an alert box. */ if (enableZC) { clip.on( ‘complete’, function (client, args) { alert( “Copied to clipboard:\n” + args.text ); }); } }); } else { var clip = new ZeroClipboard( $( “a.copy-button” ) ); /** FF 18/19 users won’t see an alert box. */ if (enableZC) { clip.on( ‘complete’, function (client, args) { alert( “Copied to clipboard:\n” + args.text ); }); } } });


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