• Resolved nemovich


    I’m facing an issue with Litespeed Cache on my website. I’m using a temporary domain from Hostingr (looks like https://pantiq-carbou-9496399.hostingersite.com/), and I’ve set up the crawler. However, I consistently get a blue status for cache, never green. When I visit my site in a private browser, the first load is slow, but the reload is fast, indicating that the cache warming isn’t working.

    Here are the steps I’ve taken based on online solutions:

    1. Checked the purge log (see attached).
    2. Disabled all purge hooks and unchecked auto purge rules.
    3. Ran the crawler twice in a row without making any changes (still no green).
    4. Confirmed with my hosting provider that there are no server issues from their end.
    5. Left the website overnight, and it’s still not giving a green status, even though it’s re-crawling every 15 minutes and no edit/update actions.

    I’ve spent hours searching for a solution on support forums, but I haven’t found a resolution yet. Can you please assist me in resolving this cache warming issue with the crawler?

    Thank you for your help.

    Report number: FKMEYLXR

    Report date: 10/24/2023 12:43:49

    Purge Log

    10/24/23 13:45:57.745 [ 1 91Y] 💓 ------GET HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS)  /wp-admin/admin.php
    10/24/23 13:45:57.745 [ 1 91Y] Query String: page=litespeed-cache&LSCWP_CTRL=purge&LSCWP_NONCE=e6a918cd3e&litespeed_type=purge_all
    10/24/23 13:45:57.745 [ 1 91Y] HTTP_REFERER: https://***private***/wp-admin/admin.php?page=litespeed-cache
    10/24/23 13:45:57.745 [ 1 91Y] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
    10/24/23 13:45:57.745 [ 1 91Y] Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7
    10/24/23 13:45:57.745 [ 1 91Y] Accept Encoding: br
    10/24/23 13:45:57.745 [ 1 91Y] Cookie _lscache_vary: cb1d846862a0ef6ba4becbde958309bb
    10/24/23 13:45:57.745 [ 1 91Y] X-LSCACHE: true
    10/24/23 13:45:57.745 [ 1 91Y] LSCACHE_VARY_VALUE: +webp
    10/24/23 13:45:57.745 [ 1 91Y] X-LiteSpeed-Purge: public,963_ => LiteSpeed\LSC->send_headers()@616 => WP_Hook->apply_filters(,ARRAY)@310 => WP_Hook->do_action(ARRAY)@334 => 

    debug log

    10/24/23 14:55:16.762 [ 1 0bY] 💓 ------POST HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS)  /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
    10/24/23 14:55:16.762 [ 1 0bY] Query String: 
    10/24/23 14:55:16.762 [ 1 0bY] HTTP_REFERER: https://***private***/wp-admin/post.php?post=9688&action=elementor
    10/24/23 14:55:16.762 [ 1 0bY] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
    10/24/23 14:55:16.762 [ 1 0bY] Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01
    10/24/23 14:55:16.762 [ 1 0bY] Accept Encoding: br
    10/24/23 14:55:16.762 [ 1 0bY] Cookie _lscache_vary: admin_bar:1;guest_mode:1;logged-in:1;role:99;role_exclude_cache:1
    10/24/23 14:55:16.762 [ 1 0bY] X-LSCACHE: true
    10/24/23 14:55:16.914 [ 1 0bY] [API] Disabled_all due to elementor edit mode in HTTP_REFERER
    10/24/23 14:55:16.914 [ 1 0bY] 👮  No cache due to Admin page
    10/24/23 14:55:16.914 [ 1 0bY] [Core] Bypassed due to debug disable all setting
    10/24/23 14:55:17.120 [ 1 0bY] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty
    10/24/23 14:55:17.120 [ 1 0bY] [Media] init
    10/24/23 14:55:28.408 [ 1 KB1] 💓 ------GET HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS)  /wp-admin/plugins.php
    10/24/23 14:55:28.408 [ 1 KB1] Query String: 
    10/24/23 14:55:28.408 [ 1 KB1] HTTP_REFERER: https://***private***/wp-admin/admin.php?page=litespeed-crawler
    10/24/23 14:55:28.408 [ 1 KB1] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
    10/24/23 14:55:28.408 [ 1 KB1] Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7
    10/24/23 14:55:28.408 [ 1 KB1] Accept Encoding: br
    10/24/23 14:55:28.408 [ 1 KB1] Cookie _lscache_vary: admin_bar:1;guest_mode:1;logged-in:1;role:99;role_exclude_cache:1
    10/24/23 14:55:28.408 [ 1 KB1] X-LSCACHE: true
    10/24/23 14:55:28.408 [ 1 KB1] LSCACHE_VARY_VALUE: +webp
    10/24/23 14:55:28.630 [ 1 KB1] 👮  No cache due to Admin page
    10/24/23 14:55:28.689 [ 1 KB1] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> private ( logged in user )
    10/24/23 14:55:28.689 [ 1 KB1] [Media] init
    10/24/23 14:55:28.689 [ 1 KB1] [LQIP] init
    10/24/23 14:55:28.689 [ 1 KB1] [CDN] init
    10/24/23 14:55:28.689 [ 1 KB1] [Router] CDN bypassed: is not ajax call
    10/24/23 14:55:28.689 [ 1 KB1] [Router] CDN bypassed: ajax call from admin
    10/24/23 14:55:28.689 [ 1 KB1] ⏰  Init
    10/24/23 14:55:28.690 [ 1 KB1] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty
    10/24/23 14:55:34.037 [ 1 KB1] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    10/24/23 14:55:34.038 [ 1 KB1] [Ctrl] not cacheable before ctrl finalize
    10/24/23 14:55:34.038 [ 1 KB1] [Router] get_role: administrator
    10/24/23 14:55:34.038 [ 1 KB1] [Vary] role in vary_group [group] 99
    10/24/23 14:55:34.038 [ 1 KB1] [Vary] show_admin_bar_front: true
    10/24/23 14:55:34.038 [ 1 KB1] [Vary] admin bar : true
    10/24/23 14:55:34.038 [ 1 KB1] [Vary] no custimzed vary
    10/24/23 14:55:34.038 [ 1 KB1] [Ctrl] ❌ forced no cache [reason] DONOTCACHEPAGE const
    10/24/23 14:55:34.038 [ 1 KB1] 💰 X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: no-cache
    10/24/23 14:55:34.038 [ 1 KB1] [Vary] uid: 5
    10/24/23 14:55:34.038 [ 1 KB1] [Vary] role in vary_group [group] 99
    10/24/23 14:55:34.038 [ 1 KB1] [Vary] show_admin_bar_front: true
    10/24/23 14:55:34.039 [ 1 KB1] [Vary] admin bar : true
    10/24/23 14:55:34.039 [ 1 KB1] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    10/24/23 14:55:34.039 [ 1 KB1] [Core] run hook litespeed_buffer_finalize
    10/24/23 14:55:34.039 [ 1 KB1] Response headers --- array (
      0 => 'X-Powered-By: PHP/8.1.22',
      1 => 'Expires: Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT',
      2 => 'Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0, no-store, private',
      3 => 'Referrer-Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin',
      4 => 'X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN',
      5 => 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8',
      6 => 'X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: no-cache',
    10/24/23 14:55:34.040 [ 1 KB1] End response
    --------------------------------------------------Duration: 5,633.00 ms------------------------------
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by nemovich.
Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Plugin Support qtwrk


    your setting set server IP to 45.xx.xxx.109 yet your DNS goes to 149.xxx.xxx.157 which one is the actual server IP ? because .109 seems not working

    Thread Starter nemovich


    I just talk to hosting support and the IP address 45.xx.xxx.109 is correct.

    The issue is I’m using the preview domain they gave me to setup my website and these domains have CDN enabled by default and cannot be disabled or pointed elsewhere. That’s why you see a different IP every time you do a DNS lookup.

    They told me that this issue will be fixed when I put my actual domain.

    So my question is if I remove the IP in plugin settings, will it be able to crawl normally ?


    Plugin Support qtwrk


    please try in crawler sitemap setting -> drop domain , set it to off , regenerate sitemap list and then cralw it again.

    Thread Starter nemovich


    That did it ! now starting to see green hits and the cache is working properly, although the crawling is slow (understandable) but working nonetheless.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter nemovich


    One more issue, when I activate the lscache plugin my website becomes slower when logged in as admin (backend and front). If I deactivate the plugin the website becomes much faster. all of this while logged in as admin.

    What could be the issue ?
    Thank you for your help

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    yes , it is kind of normal when cache is miss , the page could take longer to load , as some optimization option will take time to do

    like no plugin TTFB 2 second , cache miss 2.5 seconds , cache hit 0.2 seconds

    but you could also try disable object cache , I have seen case where it was not set properly that slow things down.

    Thread Starter nemovich


    So after much testing and plugin conflict detection, I narrowed it down to lscache ( and Woocommerce (8.2.1) both on latest version. If I disable one of them, the website becomes snappy.
    I disabled object cache (memcached) but it had very little effect compared to disabling one of the two plugins.

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