Hello @cheristojk
Thank you very much for using our plugin. Please be sure the IPN (Instant Payment Notifications) is activated on your PayPal account. If you don’t activate the IPN, PayPal does not notify the payments to your website, and the plugin does not generate the download links or send the notification email to the buyer. To activate the IPN in the PayPal account, you must enter a URL. Please enter the URL to your website’s homepage.
Regarding the coupons, please be sure you have a coupon active for the current time interval. In the store settings, you must enter the coupon code, discount percentage, and time interval, and press the “Add/Update Coupon” button.
Best regards.
Paypal was activated and able to take payments.
I changed the set up to add to cart and then the code box appears. It would be helpful to add that to your instructions – I would have started there and not with the other button choices. I currently just have one download so the cart function wasn’t needed (except for needing the code box)
Does the “use one time” apply to the coupon or to the user?
Hello @cheristojk,
The entry box for coupons appears even if the cart is disabled. Could you please configure the buy now button again to check your store’s page? Please purge the website and browser caches after editing the store settings.
Best regards.
I need to know how to customize a coupon code for each item for sale. I currently have a code that is 100% off and I have one tutorial.
When I add my second tutorial, if I keep this same code then buyers could get EVERYTHING on my site at 100% off. I offer free tutorials with a purchase or the choice to purchase it. The free tutorial will change each month, but the library will remain.
How do I enable a coupon for just one item on the page? Can each listing have it’s own code?
Hello @cheristojk
In the current plugin version, the coupon scope is the store as a whole and not separate products. If you need custom behavior, you can contact us directly through the plugin’s website:
Best regards.