Did you delete all local cookies from you browser before testing? Otherwise they are saved since befor activating the plugin.
Hello Johan, thank you for your answer. Yes, i deleted all cookies from my browers and when i load my website without accepting cookies, i can see all cookies loaded in browser. Can you check it in the website i installed your plugin:
I am doing something wrong? thank you again!
Go to Settings > Cookies and Content Security Policy > Settings (/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=cacsp_settings&tab=settings) and check “Debug” under “Advanced settings”. Tell me when that’s done, and I’ll take a look.
Deleted answer. Aswered the wrong thread.
Hello Johan! That is and that’s true: we use a cache plugin. I tried to disable the plugin and the cookies are not load until I accept them. I use WP Rocket plugin. Do you know if there is any incompatibility with your plugin?
Thank you for your help! 🙂
Thank you for your help, but i see the problem is due our cache plugin. I am trying to contact to them because the plugin is catching the cookies.
Thank you again! 🙂
Hello again Johan, i am sorry to write you again but i contacted with WP rocket and they say that you should AJAXify your plugin in order to be fully compatible with WP rocket. Do you think that it would be possible? If that was not possible, could you tell me which cache plugins are compatible with your plugin?
thank you again! 🙂
Hello again Johan, excuse me to bother you again but i have the same problem in other website. You can check it in this link: https://thegreenscreen.europeangreens.eu
No cache pluguin is installed in this website. I did a lot of tests and i do not know what else i can do more. Without accepting cookies, cookies are loaded. Check this screenshot: https://cln.sh/22vpnw
Debug mode is on. Could you help me to discover where is the problem?
thank you in advance
Jan Dembowski
Forum Moderator and Brute Squad
@ciclick Do not use short links in these forums, that has been abused in the past and is expanded when found. I have expanded yours into the link field.
That field is not seen by search engines, only logged in users.
Excuse me @jdembowski and thank you for letting me know. I did not know that i could not use short links. Thank you!
Hello Johan, thank you for your answer, but our hosting have not any cache. If i delete google script, the cookies does not appear. I do not know what i am doing wrong…
Thank you a lot for your help, but i used the plugin in other site hosted at the same host and it works. Finally i solved by myself putting the script inside a php “if”.
thank you again 🙂