• Resolved Deyneko


    I detected a conflict between User Access Manager and Yoast SEO plugin. It began after updating of Yoast SEO plugin.

    So, you can save snippet (meta description) as well as SEO keyword in Yoast SEO pluging. But if you deactevated User Access Manager, Yoast SEO works as usual. Actually I spent a lot of time to find it. So I was deactivating all installed plugin one by one and tried to save snippet and SEO keyword.

    P.S. I have also s2Member plugin on my multisite.


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  • I’ve exactly the same bug.

    Edit :
    I test on a multisite => bug. I try with a single site => it’s OK.

    I found a quick fix but it’s not a good correction…

    In file : user-access-manager/user-access-manager.php (line 110), I added a comment of this part of code:

    if ($oUserAccessManager->isDatabaseUpdateNecessary()) {                                                                                                                                              <?            $sLink = 'admin.php?page=uam_setup';
                        'echo \'<div id="message" class="error"><p><strong>'.
                        sprintf(TXT_UAM_NEED_DATABASE_UPDATE, $sLink).

    After that I check my database. It looks like update. I don’t know exactly what’s wrong but I think it’s a problem on multi site since WP 4.6. I check with UAM, I’ve the same problem.



    Hey there,

    Thanks again for this post @deyneko. I have applied the fix @bakounine gave – thanks. And it worked. Is there anything the plugin authors say of this by any chance?

    @gm_alex ?

    Thanks again

    I never had a response or an update of the plugin that fix it…

    Plugin Author GM_Alex



    what’s the exact bug? How can I reproduce it? Install Yoast, activate multi sites and than? What is if you update all the uam database for all wp instances?


    Thank you.
    The symptom is quite simple. When you try to add a custom meta title or description and you save with the update button of the page (or post or other post type…), the data is not saved.

    I update the last plugin version, to be sure. The data base looks like updated. But I don’t know how to check it or how to launch the upgrade of the tables.

    I verify also on my multiblog : UAM activated in one blog and disabled on the other. YOAST work on the disabled UAM blog but not on the enabled blog.
    I try to go here : admin.php?page=uam_setup I validate with option “no” because I don’t want to lose my data…



    Hi, Yeah, i second to what @bakounine says. So i updated this morning to latest Version – because it was a quick fix to edit the plugin core code, it was replaced and i had to re comment :

            /* if ($oUserAccessManager->isDatabaseUpdateNecessary()) {
                $sLink = 'admin.php?page=uam_setup';
                        'echo \'<div id="message" class="error"><p><strong>'.
                        sprintf(TXT_UAM_NEED_DATABASE_UPDATE, $sLink).

    Though this time, i can save the meta information but not the focus keyword. I will share this with Yoast as well as I am not sure with who the fix actually lies … I would love to be of more help though I am still learning coding too.


    We’ve had the same bug on a WordPress Multi-site install since about June/July. The titles and descriptions we write in the Yoast SEO Snippet Editor don’t get saved. We are forced to use batch editor.

    Plugin Author GM_Alex



    I was able to reproduce and fix the issue. Until the next release replace the function

    public function isDatabaseUpdateNecessary() at the UserAccessManager.class.php file with the following:

        public function isDatabaseUpdateNecessary()
            $oDatabase = $this->getDatabase();
            $aBlogIds = $this->_getBlogIds();
            if ($aBlogIds !== array()
                && is_super_admin()
            ) {
                foreach ($aBlogIds as $iBlogId) {
                    $sTable = $oDatabase->get_blog_prefix($iBlogId).'options';
                    $sSelect = "SELECT option_value FROM {$sTable} WHERE option_name = %s LIMIT 1";
                    $sSelect = $oDatabase->prepare($sSelect, 'uam_db_version');
                    $sCurrentDbVersion = $oDatabase->get_var($sSelect);
                    if (version_compare($sCurrentDbVersion, $this->_sUamDbVersion, '<')) {
                        return true;
            $sCurrentDbVersion = $this->getWpOption('uam_db_version');
            return version_compare($sCurrentDbVersion, $this->_sUamDbVersion, '<');


    Hey mate.

    Thanks so much for looking into this and resolving. I am glad you figured it out and shared the update. I just ran the upgrade to V1.2.7.5 and i can save keyword and meta info.

    Thanks again


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