• Hello,

    I am using QSM version 4.7.8

    I would like to setup the plugin WP idea stream, but there seems to be a conflict with QSM regarding rating of ideas (a custom post type) – the rating vote will not save with QSM activated (screenshot – ‘something went wrong’ in Danish), when I deactivate it works.

    I have posted this at WP idea stream too.


    Is there any chance that this could be fixed?

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  • Hey @adjunkten

    Thank you for choosing to use this plugin! I set up a local testing site with QSM and WP idea stream both installed and activated. I was able to rate my ideas with no errors.

    Can you provide a little more info about your site such as PHP version, WP version, server type, etc…? Also, have to tried de-activating all plugins except QSM and WP Idea Stream to rule out a false positive with QSM?

    Also, are you familiar with the JavaScript Console? In most browsers, there is a developer console that can show us JavaScript errors that you may be experiencing. In Chrome, you can go to Settings -> More Tools -> Developer Console. From there, load your page and then click on your rating. If you get anything, paste it here for us. If you are using another browser besides Chrome, there should be a similar console in the settings.

    Also, tagging @imath so we can see if there is something we both can test on to resolve this for you. At the moment, I don’t see any conflict between the two plugins or anything either one is doing that may cause an issue on my test site.

    Thread Starter Lars Henriksen


    Hi Frank,

    Thank you for looking into this.

    Not sure what a false positive is, but I have tried to deactivate all plugins except WP Idea Stream and QSM. No rating.

    When I deactivate QSM, the rating works.

    Javascript consol : JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1 (I don’t understand this)

    PHP-version : 5.5.9, WP version 4.7. I use WP Engine managed hosting – not sure of the server type.

    Hi there,

    I confirm there’s an issue. It’s not on the client side but on the server. Problem is the current user WP Idea Stream is using is not set. Here’s what i figured out.

    1/ WP_Idea_Stream is hooking plugins_loaded at a 8 priority.
    2/ As you may know is_admin() is true during Ajax requests.
    3/ QSM is loading a bunch of admin files (to set admin menus for instance), and this is also happening during Ajax requests because of 2.
    4/ The problem occurs each time QSM is hooking plugins_loaded before WP_Idea_Stream.
    exemple of hook: add_action("plugins_loaded", 'qmn_settings_certificate_tab', 5); When i comment all included files within the is_admin() if statement of the main plugin file, it works. If i uncomment php/options-page-leaderboard-tab.php and remove the add_action("plugins_loaded", 'qmn_settings_leaderboard_tab', 5); part in it, it works.

    Otherwise wp_idea_stream_setup_current_user() is never fired, and the current user ID WP Idea Stream uses is not.

    Hope it will help you fix the issue.

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