• Resolved vinicius95


    Hello, everybody.

    First of all, I want to thank whoever developed the Nimble Builder, it really makes the creation of the website a lot easier, and prettier.

    But I have a little problem. Whenever I have the WD Facebook Feed Plugin activated, the Text Editor Module that Nimble provides does not work properly, the window that has to appear to actually edit the text does not appear at all. And I have to deactivate the WD Facebook Feed plugin to be able to edit the text as it should do normally.

    Is there any solution for this particular problem, or do I have to deactivate the other plugin everytime I need to edit a text module?

    ### Begin System Infos (Generated 2019-01-28 20:40:35) ###
    ———— SITE INFO
    Site URL: http://eteourinhos.com.br/wordpress
    Home URL: http://eteourinhos.com.br/wordpress
    Multisite: No

    Platform: Windows
    Browser Name: Chrome
    Browser Version: 71.0.3578.98

    WP Version: 5.0.3
    Language: pt_BR
    Permalink Structure: /index.php/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/
    Active Theme: Customizr 4.1.26
    Show On Front: posts
    ABSPATH: /home/eteourin/public_html/wordpress/
    WP_DEBUG: Disabled
    WP Memory Limit: 40MB

    Version: 1.4.5
    Upgraded From: 1.4.4
    Started With: 1.2.2

    Contact Form 7: 5.1.1
    Nimble Page Builder: 1.4.5
    SiteOrigin CSS: 1.2.4
    Upload Max File Size: 1.2
    WD Facebook Feed: 1.1.3

    Akismet Anti-Spam: 4.1
    Clear Cache For Me: 1.0
    Hello Dolly: 1.7
    Max Mega Menu:
    MotoPress Content Editor Lite: 3.0.4
    Responsive Menu: 3.1.18
    WP Super Cache: 1.6.4

    PHP Version: 5.6.39
    MySQL Version: 5.7.25
    Webserver Info: Apache

    ———— PHP CONFIG
    Memory Limit: 256M
    Upload Max Size: 2M
    Post Max Size: 8M
    Upload Max Filesize: 2M
    Time Limit: 30
    Max Input Vars: 1000
    Display Errors: N/A
    PHP Arg Separator: &
    PHP Allow URL File Open: 1

    ### End System Infos ###

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author presscustomizr


    Thanks for reporting the issue. I was able to reproduce the problem on my side.

    After exploring a little bit, I discovered that there’s a javascript conflict in the customizer between Nimble and WD Facebook Feed, related to the way WD Facebook Feed uses the Tiny Mce Editor in this file : wd-facebook-feed/js/ffwd_editor_button.js

    I think that the plugin’s author could fix the issue by simply not loading this file in the customizer.

    I have no other solutions to propose for the moment except disabling the WD Facebook Feed when customizing, which is of course not ideal.

    For now, I’ll add this problem in the “known issues and incompatibilities”

    Thread Starter vinicius95


    Nicolas, thanks for your help.

    I will disable WD Facebook Feed Plugin everytime to edit a text module, it is not ideal, but it is also not a big deal.

    Again, thank you.

    Plugin Author presscustomizr


    Thanks. Your bug report has been the occasion to create a new documentation page : https://docs.presscustomizr.com/article/369-known-plugins-compatibility-issues.
    It will help other users.

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