Hi there,
you might want to disable the default shopmarks within the Germanized settings for the product detail page (see WooCommerce > settings > Germanized > Shopmarks > Product Detail Page) and use our shortcodes within your pagebuilder instead:
thank you very much for your repond.
Unfortunaly the short codes are causing a Problem in WordPress or my builder. It wont save the code snippets, instead the design falls back to WordPress Default temporaly and there is a note of an error.
Sorry About that. The verisons are up to date because I dowloaded them just a few days ago.
what kind of an error is that exactly? Which shortcode have you been using exactly?
I´ve been tryining every shortcode of the product specific shortcode that is listet under the link you gave me. Never had problems with such shortcodes.
None of them are working. As soon as i save the module it dissapears. The Error is: critical error. WordPress is giving me debugging options with pho code- is that an option – might that effect the rest of the webiste?
🙁 Thank you very much for your help
Hi there,
which shortcode have you been trying exactly? Could you clarify?
What about the error message? Did you check your logs (WooCommerce > Status > Logs > fatal errors) or enable WP_DEBUG to see the real error message thrown? That could help me figuring out what’s wrong.
Any Solution for this Problem?
Hi there,
no, could you provide us with logs? Did you activate WP_DEBUG? Which error messages are thrown exactly?
sorry for the late reply it was a busy week.
i created an user account for you:
User: Support
PW: 2WEWmW4oHI#sd3PnYdCIf3Y(
During the lasr week I didnt do anything new but now I even cant open the porduct page where I treied t insert the germanized code.
The Message is:
There was a critical bug on your website.
Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress.
I checked the fatal error- there are a few but I cant really do something with it. thank you very much for your help!!
Same Problem here. You can’t customize your Products using Divi while germanized is activated. There are different Style issues if you do so like the positions of Tax information and sections which disappear after that.
When I deactivate the germanized plugin, I can use the divi builder and layouts on products as it should be.
Best regards
Hi Simon,
is there a fatal error being logged? Did you try activating WP_DEBUG and try again? Could you provide us with an error message? Which shortcodes are you using exactly?
Hi, there is no fatal error and im just trying to customize a build-in woocommerce product page.
1. I Added a product and checkt it on the page -> everything is fine
2. Now I tryed to customize a product using the divi builder and changed some styles -> just the tax and order information moved to the top right
Now I think it happens, when I deactivated the tax/order info germanized and tryed to put in the shortcodes on the correct position myself?!
I used [gzd_product_shipping_notice product="123"]
and after deleting that, it works again, is this code wrong?
Thanks for the quick reply
Ohhh… it’s the ID in the shortcode right?
This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by simmens.
Hi there,
you shouldn’t use that explicit shortcode. Instead leave away the product=”XYZ” part. That part is only necessary in case you want to output the note for a specific product (e.g. with the product ID 123). You should use the shortcode
instead as the product will be available as a global on the product page.
Oh man I’m so stupid, thanks for the advise! 🙂