• Hello,

    We would love to use the plugin, but there is a confusing phenomenon that is degrading the user experience.

    Error: when you enter a weight and then navigate to another page and then navigate back, this message appears:

    “Confirm Form ResubmissionThis webpage requires data that you entered earlier in order to be properly displayed. You can send this data again, but by doing so you will repeat any action this page previously performed.
    Press the reload button to resubmit the data needed to load the page.


    On phone, tablet and computer. I have attached a video about it, what can be done about it? It will be very confusing for users.

    After searching the internet, I found this: “PHP forms can submit data in one of two ways; POST or GET. If you use the POST method, you will encounter the Confirm form resubmission on refresh error whereas you will not see it with the GET method.”

    I dont know this is the route cause, butr can you please check the issue?
    Thank you very much!

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  • Plugin Author YeKen


    Hi there,

    I’m afraid this is typical browser behaviour if someone clicks the back button when the previous page had posted form data back to itself.

    There is no easy fix with the [wt] shortcode I’m afraid.



    Thank you very, much, I see.

    One more question pls: in “Add a new entry” ther is no 2024,2025, etc options, the last one is 2023 dec 31. Will you update the plugin? Thanks

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