• Resolved giordanomvc


    Hi! I’m using the 2.4 version.
    I would like to implement the email that the user receives after the application with a confirmation form, where at the click of the submit button, the column of my db is updated. is all this possible? I tried to modify the “applicant_email_notification” function with the code I attach below but it doesn’t work. Thanks in advance!

    function applicant_email_notification($post_id, $post, $emails){
                if(empty($emails)) return true;
                global $wpdb;
                $mysql = "INSERT INTO candidate (nome_Candidato, cognome_Candidato, email_Candidato, cv_Candidato, telefono_Candidato, posizione_Candidato)
                            SELECT MAX(CASE when meta_key = '_aol_app_name'
                                            THEN meta_value
                                            else ' ' END) AS '_aol_app_name',
                                            MAX(CASE when meta_key = '_aol_app_lastname'
                                            THEN meta_value
                                            else ' ' END) AS '_aol_app_lastname',
                                            MAX(CASE when meta_key = '_aol_app_email'
                                            THEN meta_value
                                            else ' ' END) AS '_aol_app_email',
                                            MAX(CASE when meta_key = '_aol_app_curriculum'
                                            THEN meta_value
                                            else ' ' END) AS '_aol_app_curriculum',
                                            MAX(CASE when meta_key = '_aol_app_phone'
                                            THEN meta_value
                                            else ' ' END) AS '_aol_app_phone',
                                            (SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts 
                                                     WHERE wp_posts.id LIKE (SELECT post_id FROM wp_postmeta WHERE(meta_key LIKE '_aol_app_name') 
                                                 OR (meta_key LIKE '_aol_app_lastname')
                                                 OR (meta_key LIKE '_aol_app_email') 
                                                 OR (meta_key LIKE '_aol_app_curriculum') 
                                                 OR (meta_key LIKE '_aol_app_phone')
                                                 GROUP BY post_id  
                                                 ORDER BY created_at DESC 
                                                 LIMIT 1  ))
                            FROM wp_postmeta 
                            WHERE(meta_key LIKE '_aol_app_name') 
                            OR (meta_key LIKE '_aol_app_lastname')
                            OR (meta_key LIKE '_aol_app_email') 
                            OR (meta_key LIKE '_aol_app_curriculum') 
                            OR (meta_key LIKE '_aol_app_phone') 
                            GROUP BY post_id  
                            ORDER BY created_at DESC 
                            LIMIT 1";
                $subject = get_option('aol_success_mail_subject', 'Thank you for the application');
                $post = (object)$post;
                // Get the site domain and get rid of www.
                $sitename = strtolower( $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] );
                if ( substr( $sitename, 0, 4 ) == 'www.' ) {
                    $sitename = substr( $sitename, 4 );
                $from_email = 'do-not-reply@' . $sitename;
                $myConfirmLink ='<br>'.'<form action="class-applyonline.php" method="post">
                                            <label>Click here to confirm your application!</label>
                                            <input type="submit" value="Confirm" name="confirm" />
                                        </form>'  ; 
                                        function myCondition(){
                                            global  $wpdb;
                                            $applicant = "SELECT MAX(CASE when meta_key = '_aol_app_email'
                                                            THEN meta_value
                                                            else ' ' END) AS '_aol_app_email'
                                                            FROM wp_postmeta
                                                            WHERE(meta_key LIKE '_aol_app_email')
                                                            GROUP BY post_id  
                                                            ORDER BY created_at DESC 
                                                            LIMIT 1 ";
                                            $applicantEmail = $wpdb->get_results($applicant);
                                            $mySqlid = "SELECT id FROM candidate WHERE email_Candidato LIKE $applicantEmail ORDER BY created_at ";
                                            $applicantId = $wpdb->get_results($mySqlid); 
                                            $myConfirmQuery = "UPDATE candidate
                                             SET check_candidato = 1
                                             WHERE (email_Candidato LIKE $applicant) AND (candidate.id LIKE $applicantId)";
                                            echo 'error';
    $headers = array('Content-Type: text/html', "From: ". wp_specialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'))." <$from_email>");
                    $attachments = array();
                //@todo need a filter hook to modify content of this email message and to add a from field in the message.
                $message="Hi there,\n\n"
                    ."Thank you for showing your interest in the ad: [title]. Your application with id [id] has been received. We will review your application and contact you if required.\n\n"
                    .sprintf(__('Team %s'), get_bloginfo('name'))."\n"
                    ."Please do not reply to this system generated message.\n\n";
                $message = str_replace(array('[title]', '[id]'), array($post->post_title, $post->ID), get_option('aol_success_mail_message', $message));
                $aol_email = apply_filters(
                            array('to' => $emails, 'subject' => $subject, 'message' => nl2br($message.$myConfirmLink), 'headers' => $headers, 'attachments' => $attachments), 
                do_action('aol_email_before', array('to' => $emails, 'subject' => $subject, 'message' => nl2br($message), 'headers' => $headers, 'attachments' => $attachments), $post_id, $post, $uploads);
                add_filter( 'wp_mail_content_type', 'aol_email_content_type' );
                wp_mail( $aol_email['to'], $aol_email['subject'], $aol_email['message'], $aol_email['headers'], $aol_email['attachments']);
                remove_filter( 'wp_mail_content_type', 'aol_email_content_type' );
                do_action('aol_email_after', $emails, $subject, nl2br($message), $headers, $attachments);

    return true;

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  • Plugin Author Farhan Noor


    Hi there,
    You should go for an action hook that is fired when a new application is generated.
    Farhan Noor

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