• I have found a theme I wish to use but am concerned about the navigation.

    I will have about 10 static pages and am worried that there will not be enough space on the horizontal top menu.

    What work arounds are there?

    I want the pages to be easily visible in the navigation and available with one click from the home page.

    Any help appreciated.

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  • Find a wider theme; use less Pages… what else can be there?

    Thread Starter t1kfh


    How many static pages would you expect me to be able to get in an average top menu?

    Thread Starter t1kfh


    Can I post a link to the template here?

    Sure you can.

    And there is no “average top menu”. A blog can be as wide as 500px or as big as your screen… depending on the theme’s design. (Theme, not template)

    Thread Starter t1kfh


    This is the one I fancy.

    Wondering if you may be able to approximate how many static links or think of a navigation solution.


    Not 10 Pages for sure. Best case scenario: one or two more compared to the demo.

    Thread Starter t1kfh


    I’ll need to have a rethink!

    There are tons of other techniques you can use.

    For example you can change the code in your header.php so that the horizontal menu is NOT exactly equal to your Pages. Customize the menu. Instead of calling in wp_list_pages() (which will list out every Page you make whether you want it in your header or not), instead you can just write the custom links you want in the top menu one at a time with <li> and </li>separating each hyperlink. Then you might have SOME of your pages in the horizontal menu, and you might link to the other pages somewhere else in your theme.

    Another method is to change the CSS for the horizontal menu so that it can go on 2+ lines. Make it wordwrap when it gets to the edge of your theme container.

    Yet another method is to modify the Text size in the CSS. Change it to smaller font and more will fit.

    Or change the CSS to make less “whitespace” between the menu items.

    With the right CSS, you could probably fit about 100 links in that header. Not that you want to. Your options are unlimited.

    Thread Starter t1kfh


    I suppose I can make some of the static pages into categories and leave the basics like contact and about us as static.

    Must be the only option eh?

    I guess it’s pretty easy to change the word “categories” to something else. Navigation, for instance?

    If that’s the way you want to do it. But you certainly are not limited to that.

    There’s no reason your Horizontal Menu has to be == exactly equal to your Pages list. You can mix-and-match categories, Pages, External links to another website, or any links you wish. Your header nav is completely within your control.

    The code to change it is most-likely found within your theme’s header.php

    If this blog was on WordPress.com then you would not be able to modify the theme to your pleasure like this so easily. The beauty of the self-install WP is that you can freely change any of that stuff.

    I suppose I can make some of the static pages into categories

    Pages don’t have categories. But maybe you meant to replace some pages with categories…

    Thread Starter t1kfh


    I will be hosting on my own web space.

    I’m looking forward to playing with it – thanks for your help.

    Thread Starter t1kfh


    Moshu – That’s what I mean.

    If I have a category instead of a static page, can I turn replies off so that it looks like a static page?

    Thread Starter t1kfh


    Having read (well quickly scanned anyway) this page:


    It seams I may be ale to have a custom navigation exactly how I want it – possibly.

    Here’s what I would like to achieve:
    Top navigation – 3 or 4 static pages. about, contact etc.
    Then in left panel, links to other static pages with no blog categories or posts.

    When clicking on a static link the resulting page will have the static links plus blog post links beneath covering the subject category of that static page.

    Maybe a three column design with more traditional blog navigation on right.


    Totally feasible, but you’re going to have to do some template coding, or get someone to make a customized theme for you. There’s not going to be a “blog theme” already built exactly like that (probably), but it’s really not too complicated. You’ll start with any theme that “looks” sort of like you want — the right number of columns, and some type of nav in the formats you want (horizontal buttons, and vertical lists in a sidebar). You’ll have to modify those nav lists to contain the exact mix of links you want in each nav.

    For the “static pages” that you want blog posts on — you really can make those be post categories instead of pages. But if you want them to be pages, you can code your template to pull in posts from a category. Again, free themes aren’t usually built like that, but you can change it to work that way.

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