• leakygutresearch.com
    My first site, excessively proud of it. Please help me waking up from my dream of how good i am by giving me the harshest blog review feedback. No hesitation for the smallest detail you dislike and no limits for the language used. I am specifically would like to get feedback on ease of use, navigation, facilitation and encouragement of user participation.

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  • For the main navigation menu you might want to considering adding categories currently in your sidebar, and remove the less important ones like sitemap, contact etc to help ease of use and navigation.

    The theme design is pretty boring also, so maybe consider using a more attractive, professional theme.

    Well done! I’ve been using suffusion and I love it. I’d like to make a suggestion for navigation though.

    I went into Q&A’s tab, (I don’t really understand the top question?!) and I wanted to press on the header to take me back to the homepage, which is available to you when you are on the homepage.
    On your site you can’t do this. I had to read all the other tabs to find the link. I would suggest making your header a link to your homepage?

    Good work!

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