• if the user selects one product and clicks on the compare icon the selected product is displayed on the compare window.
    • Then the user selects the second product and clicks on the compare icon the system displays the first selected product only.
    • If the user again selects the third product and clicks on the compare icon the system displays only the first selected product.
    • In this case, if the user removes the first product from the compare window, then the system displays the remaining all the selected products that were selected for comparison.

    Why Compare Products is working fine for logged-in users and not working for non-logged-in users?

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  • Plugin Support Vanesa


    Hello there,
    thank you very much for the positive review, much appreciated! 🙂

    About the issue that you mention, I couldn’t find any topic opened by you about it so I suggest you to open a new topic about it and we will try to help you with it.

    Have a nice day!
    We remain at your disposal.

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