• Hello all, I have been reading and working on this problem for days now and even though I have hacked (an ugly one at that) a solution I would like a more definite/proper solution.

    My problem is that my blog was only displaying a feed for comments. I found the function that should write the head link for both post and post comment feeds but what my blog seemed to be outputting is only a hybrid of the two. The link was:
    <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Page Title Comments Feed" href="http://domainname.com/page-title/feed/" />
    As you can see the title states it is the comments feed but the URL says it is not… and no matter how I tried to alter the URL in my browser’s address bar it always redirected back to the stated location. Meaning I couldn’t manually point the browser to the comments feed it would always be redirected back to the post feed, even though what would be output is the comments feed.

    I wound up simply editing the functions to output the post feed regardless of whether $for_comments is true or false and removed the word “Comments” from the feed_links and feed_links_extra functions.

    So, for now the proper feed is being output and linked to with the proper titling, but the next update it is possible this will have to be redone unless I can fix it properly.

    As for the specifics, I have read the suggestions and tried them all… well, the ones that weren’t 6 or 7 years old anyway… I have deactivated all my plugins and reset the permalinks however nothing. I even had though maybe it was a theme issue and changed theme but that didn’t help either.

    Any light on this matter would be much appreciated!


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