• I installed the theme Classynsimple on a test domain which i downloaded from template sold. While checking if all template are working fine i found that the single posts page doesn’t show correctly. click here to see how it looks on the test domain. The footer widget area and comments are missing. However it is supposed to look like this Click here . I checked the code but cant figure out what the problem is. Any help with this would be much appreciated.

    You can log on to the dashboard here
    Username – admin
    Password – Gajanan2011

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  • TemplateSOLD support: http://www.templatesold.com/support/

    Thread Starter Christina Michael


    Thx for your reply. However, I already approached TemplateSOLD support for a solution but they couldn’t help me.

    Thread Starter Christina Michael





    HI Christina, I could not log into your admin.

    This sounds like a problem I have had with the buggy template sold templates I downloaded.

    In my case the first issue was caused by the yet another related posts plugin which has bugs in its lastest release. When you deactivate it, it just terminates at the point of the page it was installed and nothing past it is printed including comments or footer. The theme builder did not bother to test for the presence or activation of this plug in before adding the code to call it. I fixed this by downloading and installing the previous version and activating it.

    Next issue: all the footer widgets on all templatesold themes I have encountered are phony. That is they are hard coded html for the appearance of widgets in the demo but are not true dynamic sidebars that can be controlled in the appearance -> widgets section of wp admin.

    If you are feeling ambitious, are comfortable with coding and have the time this may be fixed.


    The comments must be enabled in discussion settings if they are not working.

    Then you may need to click the discussion box in “screen options” at the post page to allow for comments.

    once this is done go to the discussion settings for the post and allow comments.

    Good Luck.

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