• I got my comic to work fairly well on my site, however, there is one thing that I could really use help with.

    Right now when my comic loads, the rest of the page jumps up to meet the top of the unloaded image. This kind of loading is ok when there are comic with huge pages, but this particular comic is supposed to be read very quickly like an animatic, almost like a flip book. The effect that this page jumping has is very jarring for a reader and is distracting for the effect I intended for the comic and I was hoping I could change that. Dynamic navigation definitely helps so that the entire page is not reloaded, but the bottom footer of the page still jumps up.

    To try and fix this problem I’ve resized my images so that they all load fairly quickly, but the effect is still there. I tried setting a min height for the content of the page, and I have also moved the navigation to the top of the comic (which keeps the navigation from jumping each re-load) and trying to add a side bar to prevent the footer from jumping up to the top as well. The sidebar seemed to work, but the only problem is it completely destroyed the mobile version of the site.

    I hope this makes sense, it sounds ridiculous but it would be extremely helpful if someone can just put me out of my misery and tell me it isn’t possible to change, haha

    The only other question that I had, was that… if it was possible, having the archive page not listed as one long list but possibly horizontally, I think I saw someone ask a similar question before and I tried implementing it myself but I did not succeed. If anyone can point me to any direction, it would be forever grateful.

    I am not a coder, but I follow instructions very well.
    Thank you in advance: )

    My website is tidalarchsaga.com

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