• Resolved Karl_Hive


    Is there any way to utilise columns with this rather than just having everything on it’s own row?

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  • Plugin Author codepeople


    Hello @karl_hive,

    Yes of course, you can insert a container field in the form (Div or Fieldset), with the number of columns selected through the “Columns” attribute, and then, insert the rest of fields into the container (select first the container field, and then, insert the other fields, or drag them into the container), or you can use the special class names: column2, column3, or column4

    For example, to display two consecutive fields side by side, assign to both fields the special class name: column2

    Note: the class names are assigned to the fields, through their attribute: “Add CSS Layout Keywords”

    More details in the following link:


    Best regards.

    Thread Starter Karl_Hive


    Great! Thanks 🙂

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