Hi @webcart
The shipping based on City is not available in the current plugin version. Instead, you can apply the Zip/Postcode or a State.
To restrict the city area, mention the Post or Zip code for the same using the Zone-based shipping methods.
You can apply in various ways:-
Apply as Range:- 300010-30060
Apply as Wild Card:- 300*
Review the Documentation
It helps you to calculate the number of codes easily.
I hope this answers your question.
Please write us back if you need any further information.
thank you.
Thanks for your prompt reply.
I believe that not all customers remember or willing to search for their zip code
and therefor I prefer to restrict shipping by cities and not by zip codes.
I thought that maybe I could change some file in your plugin files with your instructions
and change the variable from State / country to city.
Hi @webcart
I understand your concern. Since this functionality is not available in the current plugin version, we are unable to guide you further at the moment.
But the good point is, we have already added in our bucket list for the future update and will share with you as soon as it is ready. 🙂
Thank you.
I will be waiting for the city upgrade.
I have the same problem and am waiting for solution!
Hi @hamidaraghi
I will update the status here, ones it is ready to publish 🙂
Thank you.