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  • Plugin Author Aurovrata Venet


    required checkbox not checking

    this is a cf7 issue, please enquire on the cf7 support forum.

    simple captcha always show error

    did you check with cf7 forums? Have you following the cf7 documentation to get it to work?

    Thread Starter tartarbar


    without “CF7 Smart Grid Design Extension” all work

    Plugin Author Aurovrata Venet


    without “CF7 Smart Grid Design Extension” all work

    how do you expect me to help you if you don’t bother to post more details!

    Thread Starter tartarbar


    $this->loader->add_filter( ‘wpcf7_validate’, $plugin_public, ‘filter_wpcf7_validate’, 30, 2 );

    problem in function “filter_wpcf7_validate”

    Thread Starter tartarbar


    for “Simple captcha”:

    you delete hidden field
    $data = $this->remove_hidden_fields_from_conditional_plugin($data);
    where send captcha value

    <input name=”_wpcf7_captcha_challenge_your-captcha” value=”126144047″ type=”hidden”>

    “_wpcf7_captcha_challenge_your-captcha” remove

    and result always error

    Thread Starter tartarbar


    for “Checkbox”:
    “public function filter_wpcf7_validate($result, $tags){”

    when the checkbox is not set, it is not send in $_POST

    “if(!isset($_POST[$tag[‘name’]])) continue;//not submitted==disabled.”

    Thread Starter tartarbar


    can you add filter to disable “private function define_public_hooks() {“

    Plugin Author Aurovrata Venet


    problem in function “filter_wpcf7_validate”

    please don’t quote random lines of code, either provide constructive reviews or none at all.

    you delete hidden field
    $data = $this->remove_hidden_fields_from_conditional_plugin($data);
    where send captcha value

    no, this has nothing to do with the simple captcha.

    when the checkbox is not set, it is not send in $_POST
    “if(!isset($_POST[$tag[‘name’]])) continue;//not submitted==disabled.”

    indeed, this could be an issue for checkbox fields. I will check on my server and get back to you.

    Thread Starter tartarbar



    the filter already comes with valid values and check captcha:
    file – /cf7-grid-layout/public/class-cf7-grid-layout-public.php
    string – 755, function ‘filter_wpcf7_validate’

    when you re-check captcha it already does not exist
    file – /cf7-grid-layout/public/class-cf7-grid-layout-public.php
    string – 755, function ‘filter_wpcf7_validate’
    $result = apply_filters( “wpcf7_validate_{$type}”, $result, $tag );

    because after checking the captcha is removed:
    file – /contact-form-7/modules/really-simple-captcha.php

    function wpcf7_captcha_validation_filter( $result, $tag ) {
    $type = $tag->type;
    $name = $tag->name;

    $captchac = ‘_wpcf7_captcha_challenge_’ . $name;

    $prefix = isset( $_POST[$captchac] ) ? (string) $_POST[$captchac] : ”;
    $response = isset( $_POST[$name] ) ? (string) $_POST[$name] : ”;
    $response = wpcf7_canonicalize( $response );

    if ( 0 == strlen( $prefix ) || ! wpcf7_check_captcha( $prefix, $response ) ) {
    $result->invalidate( $tag, wpcf7_get_message( ‘captcha_not_match’ ) );

    if ( 0 != strlen( $prefix ) ) {
    wpcf7_remove_captcha( $prefix );

    return $result;

    Thread Starter tartarbar


    sorry for my english is not good)

    Thread Starter tartarbar


    when you re-check captcha it already does not exist
    file – /cf7-grid-layout/public/class-cf7-grid-layout-public.php
    string – 783, function ‘filter_wpcf7_validate’
    $result = apply_filters( “wpcf7_validate_{$type}”, $result, $tag );

    Plugin Author Aurovrata Venet


    so there was indeed a bug due to checkboxes not being submitted by default.

    I just released v2.1.5 with a fix for these issue. I am not sure why the recaptcha was not working, but this is also working now.

    Can you upgrade and let me know if it works for you now?

    Thread Starter tartarbar


    checkboxes work fine,

    not recaptcha, Really Simple CAPTCHA (

    i described the problem above

    Plugin Author Aurovrata Venet


    [recaptcha] is now the recommended and simpler way to include a captcha in your form.

    Simple captcha plugin is not supported by the Smart-grid at this stage.

    Maybe in the future I may add support if there is sufficient request for this.

    Thread Starter tartarbar


    thank you

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