• Theme: Brunelleschi
    Site: shebloggedbynight.com

    Hello! I have a quick question about changing URLs of blog posts.

    I have owned shebloggedbynight.com for years, and it used to point to a Blogger blog. There are a LOT of links out there on the internet that point to that old blog, but because shebloggedbynight.com now hosts a WordPress blog, those old links all 404.

    What I want to do is import some posts from the old Blogger blog into my newer WordPress blog and keep the same URL the old blog used to have. That should allow those old links to my old blog to now redirect to my new blog.

    For example, I used to have a post on the old Blogger blog at this URL:


    That URL gets a 404 now, of course. But I have reposted the same content, which now appears at this URL:


    Can I change the URL of that blog post so it matches the one that used to be on Blogger? If so, how?

    Or will changing the URL of my new post screw things up because of the “/2010/10/” part of the old URL, which indicates the year and month of the post?

    I hope I explained this right. Thanks for any advice you can give.

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  • Give this plugin a try.

    In the “Quick Redirects” menu you can simply enter the old URL of posts and a forwarding address and the plugin will do the rest.

    Thread Starter sbbn


    That’s not what I need, unfortunately. I have to redirect from a Blogger blog at bloggedbynight.blogspot.com to the WordPress blog at shebloggedbynight.com — a WordPress plugin won’t help me with that, I’m afraid.

    I did install it and try it, just in case, but it didn’t work.

    One of the permalink settings supports a year/month structure. Just change to that one.

    Permalink settings are under Settings->Permalinks in the WordPress Dashboard.

    Thread Starter sbbn


    I have to use a custom permalink structure because of BulletProof Security.

    What I want to do is change this:


    to this:


    See the bolded part? That’s what I want to change — I want to go from 2012/ to 2010/10/ on a few individual posts. So…

    1. Is this possible while using BulletProof Security?
    1A. If not, would uninstalling BulletProof, doing the URL changes on a few individual posts, and then reinstalling BulletProof achieve what I want?

    2. If it is possible to change those URLs without causing BulletProof problems, how do I do so? That is, HOW do I manually change the URLs on those few individual posts?

    3. Once the URL is changed, will it show as being posted back in 2010 because of the new URL structure?

    In your example you aren’t including the .blogspot.com address, so I’m confused. If the origin address and the new address are at shebloggedbynight.com there is no reason a redirect from

    /2012/bat-before-the-moon/ –> /2010/10/bat-before-the-moon/ using the aforementioned plugin.

    If you are trying to redirect from the blogspot address to your custom domain, that’s not really a WordPress issue. You will need to contact blogspot’s support.

    Thread Starter sbbn


    Hey there, it turns out that the plug-in DID work — sorry about earlier, and thanks for the suggestion. I think what happened earlier tonight is my firewall was stuck while “checking” my browser and I thought that meant the redirects weren’t working.

    This is a huge load off my mind. Thanks again!

    Glad you got it sorted. It really is a great plugin.

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