• Resolved Chuck Smith


    Love the plugin.
    Is it possible to format a default date format to display in the frontend?
    Steps to reproduce:
    1. Go to this link https://ccemmaus.org/womens-walk-110-prayer-vigil/
    2. Click a time slots.
    3. The title in the time slot box is formatted YYYY-MM-DD, but the selcted time slot date is formatted DD/MM/YYYY.

    Is there a setting or ability to format date consistently or a custom format?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author codepeople



    Please update to the latest version 1.0.58 published today to correct that issue.

    Thank you for using the plugin!

    Thread Starter Chuck Smith


    Problem still persist for me. It might be because I an not using the “working days” section. If I enable a day it does format the date correctly, at least on the back-end.

    I am using the “special dates” section and the date formatting still displays both on back-end and front-end.

    Plugin Author codepeople



    Please remember to clear the cache after the plugin update so the browser reload the updated scripts.

    If you are still getting the date formatting issue, could you provide a screenshot of what you get from your side?

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter Chuck Smith


    Actually it was the cache
    Works fine now.

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